I don't do a lot of indoor photography but when I do it's from my walker. I do a one handed spin around and plop my butt on the seat. I rest my elbows on the hand rests and then say, "shoot" and my phone camera captures a pretty good image. So, all of my shots are waist high or lower. Today's photo was an Ipu, a Hawaiian musical instrument.

What kind of phone do I use:
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I am from Hawaii. I created this Ipu from a lowly gourd in 1998 on a beach in Hilo, Hawaii. I was part of a group that included Native Hawaiian Kupuna who guided us through every physical and spiritual step of creating this Ipu. It has been in my home, resting in a place of honor, for 26 years. It will be passed down to my grandaughter Kiana ( who is 20% Native Hawaiian) when I die.